Thursday, January 3, 2013

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

254 days ago by admin 0 could be due to abundant reasons. However, it is not a matter of grave concern as this ailment is curable satisfactorily.

Erection Process: To know more about the , we would need to know what exactly erection is. Erection is the hardening of penis or any sexually stimulated organ due to flow of blood which is caused during sexual excitement. The nervous system plays a prominent role in the erection process along with blood vessels located in the penis. The sexual stimulation could be due to touch, smell, visual appeal or other factors which triggers the signals in t he brain through the nervous system. The signal then passed to the penis sends information to blood vessels which releases the blood to flow through it. The ability to withstand the flow of blood and after smoothening of penis completes the erection process. The disruption in this activity could result in erectile dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction. is the inability to attain and withstand the erection of penis and eventually leading to unsatisfactory performance during copulation.

The could be broadly classified into three categories. They are as follows.

Organic :These causes are due to malfunctioning of certain organs or diseases affecting bodily parts which result in ED. The organic factors are unable to sustain the erection process smoothly and are physically responsible for Erectile Dysfunction. The nervous system, blood vessels, muscles associated to penis, brain and spine are the bodily entities involved and failure of expected performance from any of these components are the . The organic reasons causing ED are as follows.

Diabetes: It is medically proven that men with diabetes have high degree of risk in experiencing erectile dysfunction. It is one of the primary physical causes of ED. Diabetes affects the nervous and artery system which is essential for proper erection process. People with diabetes across worldwide are affected and have low sexual appetite.

High Blood pressure: The blood pressure should be normal for a proper erection and high blood pressure affected men have poor performance in the bed. High blood pressure does not support the erection process properly and affects the entire activity significantly.

High cholesterol: The high cholesterol contents in the body disrupt the erection process as cholesterol affects the blood vessels and curtails the smooth flow of blood causing ED. Cholesterol content need to be well within limit for engaging in satisfactory sexual activity. People with high cholesterol content need to work towards reducing it and also prevent causing further damage to heart and other related organs.

Urinary disorders: Kidneys play a prominent role in maintaining the health of a human body. Diseases affecting kidney also result in ED. The improper functioning of kidneys directly affects the nervous system, cause hormonal imbalance leading to poor sexual activity. It is also noticed that people suffering from failure of kidneys have high chances of ED.

Neural Ailments: The central nervous system is one of the key factor required for proper erection. The entire activity is co-ordinated with mutual reception of signals from the brain and penis. Diseases which affect the nervous system would disrupt erection process and people suffering from Parkinson and Alzheimer’s disease also suffer from ED.

Hormonal imbalance: There is a certain degree of hormonal activity that occurs during erection process. Hormones need to be triggered appropriately to engage in a satisfactory sexual activity. Hormones such as testosterone, thyroid play a significant role and any imbalance in their functions would cause ED.

Surgery and Injury: It is proven that surgery performed in removal of prostate cancer and indirectly affects the nervous system which would also be a reason to cause erectile dysfunction. Treatments undertaken such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy which significantly reduce sexual stimulation as they influence nervous system involved in erection process. There are numerous drugs based on prescription for curing major ailments also cause considerable harm towards engaging in proper sexual activity. Injuries involving penis, spine, also lead to ED. Activities involving excessive bicycling could result in poor response to sexual stimulation and cause Erectile Dysfunction.

Apart from the aforementioned causes, diseases such as Scleroderma which affects the skin and malfunctioning of liver, heart stroke , epilepsy also reduce the urge for sexual activity are other . Overall any disease which affects the vital organs involved in erection process would result in ED.

Psychological :We know there are plenty of organic causes for erectile dysfunction. However most of them are curable with proper consultation of doctors. However, what affects majority of people is the psychological factors involved and affects men worldwide cutting across different age groups. The psychological perspective involved in erectile dysfunction needs a radical approach in curing it. The following causes would be predominantly observed leading to ED.

Anxiety: Collins dictionary defines it as the state of uneasiness about what may happen. This state of anxiousness usually experienced among young people lead to Erectile Dysfunction. Negative thoughts experienced in mind result in poor performance on the bed. Young men especially believe in myths surrounding sexual intercourse which leads to unnecessary tension and overall affects them in participating properly in copulation. Men usually hesitate to talk about their private matters and involve in obtaining information from unauthorised sources resulting in high levels of anxiety which lead to erectile dysfunction. Anxiety results in mental imbalance and does not set the mood for proper erection. Though anxiety is a natural emotion however it is proven that high levels of it could ruin the party and cause irreparable damage psychologically.

Lack of confidence: Sexual activity is a natural process and one should embrace it and enjoy it than worrying unnecessarily about it. There are plenty of inhibitions faced by men of all age group which drive ED. Men usually are afraid and get worried about their past dismal performance. This results in poor confidence levels and avoids sexual intercourse. The confidence is utmost required as it triggers relevant hormones and aids in proper transmission of signals in nervous system. Confidence is also required to encourage creativity and which is certainly required for satisfactory performance on the bed. Lack of confidence usually darkens the mood and gives rise to negative thoughts and drastically disrupts sexual activity.

Improper Knowledge: The primary reason for anxiety and low levels of confidence is because of lack of authoritative content about erection process. It is primarily the fear of the unknown symptom. Sex education should be included in academic curriculum. Teenagers and people in the age group of 20 -25 too have insufficient knowledge and believe in myths involving sexual activity. Young people should be provided proper scientific knowledge about copulation, a platform to discuss their concerns and inhibitions would certainly curtail ED. Proper information with interactive forums should be available for young men to understand, enjoy and lead a healthy and sexually active lifestyle. It is widely observed that teenagers get majorly addicted to pornography which results in faulty misconceptions and negative perceptions about sexual intercourse. Young people who get easily attracted to it generally lose sexual stimulation required and easily fall prey to ED. Young men usually worry about erection of penis, failure to understand its limitations and intake of drugs/pills only result to irreparable damage both physically and mentally.

It is all in the mind and erection process certainly needs triggering of positive emotions. Psychological factors which are major affecting young men need to be addressed psychologically and resulting in satisfaction and happiness.

Lifestyle :The current lifestyle practised is also limiting sexual activity and causing erectile dysfunction. This rapidly changing, high demanding lifestyle has also been a reason for ED. The factors which affect erectile dysfunction because of our standard of living are as follows.

Stress: In todays competitive and deadline crunching environment, it is highly difficult for people to provide necessary attention towards their health. Irregular food habits, heavy consumption of junk food, unbearable working conditions, always connected to technology have phenomenally altered humans and leaving no time for relaxation. There is plenty of stress physically and emotionally experienced by people globally. Stress gets triggered exponentially because of the current lifestyle people are following. There is hardly any time catered to personal health and hygiene. Stress causes emotional distress and strains mentally which in turn cause Erectile Dysfunction. People do not have time for engaging in a proper sexual activity as mental stability and calmness required is unavailable due to stress. Sleeping hours of current generation is reduced because of various distractions and lack of sleep causes ED. It is utmost requirement to have sound sleep to overcome stress and participate actively in copulation.

Addiction: High levels of stress generally tend to addiction to smoking, alcohol and even drugs. Smoking is really injurious to health, of all the known harms it causes to human body, smoking also affects the blood vessels which streamline the flow of blood required for a proper erection. Smoking also causes impotence which results in low sexual stimulation. Alcohol consumption also significantly causes poor sexual performance. The organs like liver, pancreas. Nervous system is damaged and results in erectile dysfunction. Young people fall easily prey to drug abuse and involuntarily lose the momentum required for smooth sexual intercourse. Substance abuse is on rise, prevalent especially among youth could only lead to drastic damage to their health and loses mental stability which is essential for sexual intercourse.

Summary: There are various and ED is certainly curable provided proper medication and expert consultation. One should understand the importance of health and life to live and enjoy happily ever after.


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